When did you open your Facebook account?
I had one when I was way too young to have one, but that got deleted, I've had the current one for around 10 years. The world was different 10 years ago, Facebook was quite different too. My Facebook feed today would be unrecognizable from the one in 2010, but is that a fair reflection of how I've changed as a person? Or is my personality a reflection of how my Facebook feed has changed? Wait, is Facebook different now because the world has changed or did the world change because of Facebook?
The power of social media has bamboozled mankind. It has accelerated communications across cultures, but also made it easy for obscure ideas to blossom. It has facilitated people who want to cordon themselves off with like minded thinking, and created echo chambers, the gap between which is quickly becoming unbridgeable. Social media has done tremendous good in giving voice to the disenfranchised, but as the agents of disenfranchisement start to gain control of social media, what does the future hold?