
Body types: Endomorph

Endomorphs have a solid, short stocky build with thick arms and legs. They gain fat easily but have difficulty gaining muscle.

Keeping fat to a minimum is often a struggle for them, so they need to watch their calorie intake by maximising lean protein intake and keeping carbs to a minimum.

They have to train regularly using routines involving both cardio (for fat loss) and weights (for muscle gain).

A body is never purely either of the types. Usually it is a combination of two, one being the dominant.



Body types: Endomorph

Endomorphs have a solid, short stocky build with thick arms and legs. They gain fat easily but have difficulty gaining muscle.

Keeping fat to a minimum is often a struggle for them, so they need to watch their calorie intake by maximising lean protein intake and keeping carbs to a minimum.

They have to train regularly using routines involving both cardio (for fat loss) and weights (for muscle gain).

A body is never purely either of the types. Usually it is a combination of two, one being the dominant.


‘রন্ধ্রে রন্ধ্রে সুশীলতা দিনশেষে আমাদের কাল হয়ে দাঁড়িয়েছে’

‘বর্তমান সরকারের এ ধরনের দয়াপরবশ হয়ে ফ্যাসিস্ট আওয়ামী লীগের নেতাকর্মীদের বিচার কার্যকর করতে স্বেচ্ছায় বিলম্ব করা জুলাই গণঅভ্যুত্থানের সাথে অপমানের শামিল।’

১০ ঘণ্টা আগে