Each of my songs have a different appeal to me - Minar Rahman

Star Showbiz: How was your journey of 2018?
Minar Rahman: I have been extremely busy doing music, like the way it has been for many consecutive years now. 2018 also drove me through many tight schedules. But I have been selective, in terms of choosing my work. I believe in quality more than quantity.
Showbiz: You have a better acceptance to the youth. Do you think there is any particular reason for this?
Minar: I do see any specific reason. I do not limit my work for any particular audience group. I like to sing for listeners of every age and every class.
Showbiz: Your lyrics have been recognized to be somewhat exceptional. What is your secret behind this?
Minar: Most of the lyrics of my songs are written by myself. I think this might have created an exception. But I have sung enough songs with lyrics written by others as well. Ishtiaque Ahmed has written some fabulous lyrics for me. I am very much fond of Asif Iqbal's lyrics too. Again, I am very meticulous about my work, and I think that is my secret.
Showbiz: Which song would you name as your most favorite composition?
Minar: I love all of my songs. Each of my songs have a different appeal to me. So I cannot name one song in particular.
Showbiz: When you look back, how do you see your elementary creation – 'Shada'?
Minar: It is a song very dear to my heart. It brought me closer to my audience. An impressive amount of audience luckily listened to Shada. It still makes its way through the listeners' playlist shuffles.
Showbiz: Who are your favorite musicians of the contemporary scenario?
Minar: Many young musicians are now doing fantastic jobs. If I have to be specific, I would name Arnob bhai, Tahsan bhai and Habib bhai. Their music has always been fascinating for me.
Showbiz: Do you have any favorite singer?
Minar: I actually listen to a lot of singers' songs. I love Bengali music. Especially the band music of our country has immensely attracted me ever since I was a child. LRB, Nagarbaul, Miles, Shironamheen – I would never miss any song of these bands. Their songs never grow old for me.
Showbiz: What would you be if you were not a musician?
Minar: I have a deep passion for drawing. I have been a cartoonist for quite a while now. I loved to draw cartoons since my boyhood; I even won some awards for drawing. I worked for magazine Unmad. I have written and illustrated a comic book as well. So this could be my career, if I had not been a musician. My father and my sister inspired me to start drawing. I consider Ahsan Habib to be my mentor in this. I wish to experiment with cartoons. Perhaps I will go big with my cartoons in the upcoming days. I plan to create an animated music video for my song.
Star Showbiz: What else are you passionate about?
Minar: Creative writing has been one of my passions, too. I wrote a drama-script along with Tanim Rahman Angshu. Maybe in the near future I will allot more time to this.
Showbiz: Do you have any special plans for 2019?
Minar: We plan to do many things, but hardly enough works out. Nonetheless, I wish to release a song early in 2019, that I hope the audience will find worthwhile.
Interviewed by Robiul Kamal
Transcribed by Tasbir Iftekhar