TV & Film

Through the Eyes of S M Ejajul Islam

The sincere, passionate and creative soul S M Ejajul Islam is not only an acclaimed TV actor, he is also an Assistant Professor of Nuclear Medicine at Dhaka Medical College Hospital. His degree is, undoubtedly, as difficult as rocket science but what makes him the dearest professor in the block is his down-to-earth personality. His patience and integrity for both of his professions have won millions of hearts in a very short span of time. His contributions to the world of acting and medicine have given him the sense of a belonging that no other profession can offer. His notable works include a couple of dramas of the 'Tara Tin Jon' series produced by Humayun Ahmed, as well as 'Srabon Megher Din', 'Dui Duari', 'Amar Ache Jol', 'Chandrakatha', 'Shaymol Chhaya' and many more. In a recent interview with Star Showbiz, Dr Ejajul Islam shared bits and pieces of his early life and his eventful journey in the showbiz industry.

Early life

Like every other person I had a dream – I wanted to become an actor. To turn my dream into reality I stepped on the stage for the first time when I was in class three. It was a small drama performance at my school. Three years later, I made a larger move and played the central character in a drama named Kolir Jin in Kurigram Government School. We practiced for months for that performance. Since I was playing the most crucial part of the play, I had to keep my eyes on the organizing team as well. Back then, we used to make big stages with bamboo and curtain and rehearse on them. The first thing we used to do after school was running to the venue and reading the scripts. Kolir Jin was a huge success that year and this drama led me towards becoming the core member of our school's drama group. Onstage performances enthralled me a lot and that's why I continued performing different characters till class ten.  After joining Rangpur Medical College I held on to my passion with more integrity. After every professional exam we used to practice and perform for our teachers and students. I worked as a news presenter for the Rangpur Radio Center for a long time, which also helped me nurture my skills. 


First professional work

I joined a clinic as a young doctor after completing my MBBS degree. I tried my heart and soul to stay around Dhaka after getting into the government service. The only reason I took so much trouble for my posting was the fact that I wanted to get in touch with some TV personalities. One day one of my friends from Bhawal Theatre took me to the office of Bangladesh Television for audition.  Since I was enlisted at Rangpur radio as a news reader and drama artist, I knew the recruitment procedure of BTV. I posted a letter stating my interest to become a television actor. After the acceptance of my application I took all the required tests quickly. I was qualified and for the first time ever I was offered a magazine program produced by Faridur Rahman. I believe this was one of the greatest achievements of my life. I took a break after that magazine show and completed my IPGMR successfully.


First Work with Humayun Ahmed

Today, if people know me and recognize me as an actor, it is only because of Humayun Ahmed. After that magazine show, my second work was with Humayun Sir, where I played the role of a Shasthokormi in one of his TV dramas for UNICEF. After that I continued working with Humayun Sir in most of his dramas and films. Today, after so many years, what amazes me the most is how Humayun Sir never doubted my capability or discouraged my enthusiasm! He had always been positive about my potentials.



No matter how much work I do onscreen, I always remember that I have a greater off screen job. I am a doctor and my patients are the most important people for me. I have worked in many dramas and movies but I never cancelled any appointment. Still now I work with the producers who understand the importance of my job and prioritize accordingly. Acting is my passion. But as a doctor my responsibilities are even greater. These two jobs are like my two children. I adore them both. They have given me a life that I had never imagined to have!



I dream small. I am satisfied with what I have earned till now. I keep lower expectation from life, and that's why when life gives me more than I deserve, I become happy. I never had very high hopes about my future but as time went by, I saw brighter days ahead of me. My achievements have always made me grateful.



My parents are my greatest inspiration. Their continuous efforts have brought me thus fur. Along with them, I always consider my coworkers as my motivators. The smiling faces of my parents, the enthusiasm of my fans are more than enough to inspire me to work harder!



Since I am a doctor and a teacher, I have to read a lot. All that I read now are difficult books on medicine (laughter). I don't get much time to read anything else. But in earlier days, I used to read a lot of Humayun Ahmed's books. He is my favorite writer and I believe he is the best.



I love listening to different types of songs. I carry two mobile phones with me, one for communication and the other for entertainment. Whenever I get free time, I put my earphones on. Subir Nandi is my favorite Bangladeshi singer. My favorite music includes Gazals, Folk, Nazrul Geeti, Rabindra Sangeet and songs written by Humayun Sir for his films.



I think movies are one of the best sources of entertainment. I have two favorite movies that top the list. One is Sraban Megher Din and another is The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. I have seen them umpteen times.



Through the Eyes of S M Ejajul Islam

The sincere, passionate and creative soul S M Ejajul Islam is not only an acclaimed TV actor, he is also an Assistant Professor of Nuclear Medicine at Dhaka Medical College Hospital. His degree is, undoubtedly, as difficult as rocket science but what makes him the dearest professor in the block is his down-to-earth personality. His patience and integrity for both of his professions have won millions of hearts in a very short span of time. His contributions to the world of acting and medicine have given him the sense of a belonging that no other profession can offer. His notable works include a couple of dramas of the 'Tara Tin Jon' series produced by Humayun Ahmed, as well as 'Srabon Megher Din', 'Dui Duari', 'Amar Ache Jol', 'Chandrakatha', 'Shaymol Chhaya' and many more. In a recent interview with Star Showbiz, Dr Ejajul Islam shared bits and pieces of his early life and his eventful journey in the showbiz industry.

Early life

Like every other person I had a dream – I wanted to become an actor. To turn my dream into reality I stepped on the stage for the first time when I was in class three. It was a small drama performance at my school. Three years later, I made a larger move and played the central character in a drama named Kolir Jin in Kurigram Government School. We practiced for months for that performance. Since I was playing the most crucial part of the play, I had to keep my eyes on the organizing team as well. Back then, we used to make big stages with bamboo and curtain and rehearse on them. The first thing we used to do after school was running to the venue and reading the scripts. Kolir Jin was a huge success that year and this drama led me towards becoming the core member of our school's drama group. Onstage performances enthralled me a lot and that's why I continued performing different characters till class ten.  After joining Rangpur Medical College I held on to my passion with more integrity. After every professional exam we used to practice and perform for our teachers and students. I worked as a news presenter for the Rangpur Radio Center for a long time, which also helped me nurture my skills. 


First professional work

I joined a clinic as a young doctor after completing my MBBS degree. I tried my heart and soul to stay around Dhaka after getting into the government service. The only reason I took so much trouble for my posting was the fact that I wanted to get in touch with some TV personalities. One day one of my friends from Bhawal Theatre took me to the office of Bangladesh Television for audition.  Since I was enlisted at Rangpur radio as a news reader and drama artist, I knew the recruitment procedure of BTV. I posted a letter stating my interest to become a television actor. After the acceptance of my application I took all the required tests quickly. I was qualified and for the first time ever I was offered a magazine program produced by Faridur Rahman. I believe this was one of the greatest achievements of my life. I took a break after that magazine show and completed my IPGMR successfully.


First Work with Humayun Ahmed

Today, if people know me and recognize me as an actor, it is only because of Humayun Ahmed. After that magazine show, my second work was with Humayun Sir, where I played the role of a Shasthokormi in one of his TV dramas for UNICEF. After that I continued working with Humayun Sir in most of his dramas and films. Today, after so many years, what amazes me the most is how Humayun Sir never doubted my capability or discouraged my enthusiasm! He had always been positive about my potentials.



No matter how much work I do onscreen, I always remember that I have a greater off screen job. I am a doctor and my patients are the most important people for me. I have worked in many dramas and movies but I never cancelled any appointment. Still now I work with the producers who understand the importance of my job and prioritize accordingly. Acting is my passion. But as a doctor my responsibilities are even greater. These two jobs are like my two children. I adore them both. They have given me a life that I had never imagined to have!



I dream small. I am satisfied with what I have earned till now. I keep lower expectation from life, and that's why when life gives me more than I deserve, I become happy. I never had very high hopes about my future but as time went by, I saw brighter days ahead of me. My achievements have always made me grateful.



My parents are my greatest inspiration. Their continuous efforts have brought me thus fur. Along with them, I always consider my coworkers as my motivators. The smiling faces of my parents, the enthusiasm of my fans are more than enough to inspire me to work harder!



Since I am a doctor and a teacher, I have to read a lot. All that I read now are difficult books on medicine (laughter). I don't get much time to read anything else. But in earlier days, I used to read a lot of Humayun Ahmed's books. He is my favorite writer and I believe he is the best.



I love listening to different types of songs. I carry two mobile phones with me, one for communication and the other for entertainment. Whenever I get free time, I put my earphones on. Subir Nandi is my favorite Bangladeshi singer. My favorite music includes Gazals, Folk, Nazrul Geeti, Rabindra Sangeet and songs written by Humayun Sir for his films.



I think movies are one of the best sources of entertainment. I have two favorite movies that top the list. One is Sraban Megher Din and another is The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. I have seen them umpteen times.



মুরগির খাঁচাও এর থেকে বড় হয়, আয়নাঘর পরিদর্শনের পর ড. ইউনূস

আয়নাঘরে বেশ কয়েকটি খুপরি দেখা যায় যেখানে দিনের বেলাতেও আলো প্রবেশ করে না। নেই বাতাস চলাচলেরও কোনো ব্যবস্থা। এরকম একটি আয়নাঘর দেখে তাকে মুরগির খাঁচার সঙ্গে তুলনা করেন প্রধান উপদেষ্টা।

৩১ মিনিট আগে