Gaslighting - Part II
Gaslighting can have lasting effects across various areas of a person's life, from school and work to family and personal relationships, ranging from mild to severe. Oddly, they never admit when they are wrong. Even if they mess up, they will not take the blame, preferring to blame someone or something else who is probably much soberer and kinder.
However, some unknowingly hurt others by using insensitive yet sharp or long-winded words, just to make the gossip more interesting. Although they unintentionally and unconsciously gaslight others, being subjected to gaslighting is undeniably challenging. These purposeless gaslighters eventually lose friends without realising the gradual reasons behind the erosion of their relationships and support networks.
Gaslighting, once confined to the realms of cinema, has become a stark reality for many. When dealing with gaslighting, it is crucial to establish clear boundaries, seek help from professionals, and surround oneself with supportive people. It is also important to consider how to assist those who are unintentionally engaging in gaslighting and behaving in a way without realising the serious effects on others.