Published on 12:00 AM, June 05, 2022

Teeth scaling, you cannot wait to tell your friends about

Most people think brushing for a few seconds with an old brush is the best way to keep teeth healthy. Instead of regular checkups, people visit the dentist when they have a problem. People in our country often complain that they bleed while brushing. Calculus and plaque are common dental terms. You may hear these words in toothpaste ads, which claim to remove calculus and prevent plaque. But what exactly do these words mean? Understanding these terms is key to creating a preventative oral care routine.

Plaque is a sticky, soft substance that sticks to teeth after eating or drinking. Plaque forms continuously throughout the day, damaging teeth and gums and causing most dental problems. Plaque helps bacteria grow and converts food residue into acid, weakening saliva's protective action and allowing tooth enamel surface corrosion, creating cavities and moving teeth, which can cause gum disease and inflammation.

Uncleaned calculus (tartar) builds up over time. Calculus' effects are clearer. Gingivitis is gum inflammation from calculus. Early periodontal disease causes swollen, bleeding gums when brushing or flossing. Most people ignore the bleeding while cleaning. Calculus deposits form along teeth's gums. It can cause cavities and other dental issues. Bacteria breed in calculus between the teeth and gums. If not cleaned regularly, the gums and jawbone will separate, leading to periodontitis or terrible gum disease. The immune system attacks the gums and jawbone to fight infection.

Dental calculus takes a long time before it is finally removed from your teeth. A dentist should be consulted for its quick removal. A dentist uses technically advanced dental calculus removal procedures that are both quick and effective. A dentist uses an ultrasonic scaling instrument or a hand-held scaling tool to remove the calculus. This scalar instrument uses high-frequency vibrations with water to remove the calculus. Once the teeth are clean, the dentist will call you back in the future for a follow-up. Any extra calculus must be followed so that it does not form on your teeth.

Healthy teeth are essential for a healthy and bright smile. Stained teeth can tarnish your eternal smile. Calculus should be removed to ensure germ-free teeth. Dental scaling is a widespread treatment for patients with calculus accumulation.

The writer is the founder of Dental Pixel. Email: