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"For the 1st time, piles this long were placed in a river"

M Shamim Z Bosunia, chairman of the panel of experts in the Padma Bridge project, recently spoke with The Daily Star about Padma Bridge construction in an interview.

He is also an Emeritus Professor at University of Asia Pacific.


"For the 1st time, piles this long were placed in a river"

M Shamim Z Bosunia, chairman of the panel of experts in the Padma Bridge project, recently spoke with The Daily Star about Padma Bridge construction in an interview.

He is also an Emeritus Professor at University of Asia Pacific.


যত দ্রুত সম্ভব নির্বাচন, ডিসেম্বরেও হতে পারে: দুবাই সামিটে প্রধান উপদেষ্টা

ড. ইউনূস বলেন, নির্বাচিত সরকারের কাছে ক্ষমতা হস্তান্তরের পর আমি যে কাজে ছিলাম, সেখানেই ফিরে যাব।

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