5 ways to earn money as a student
If you are a student, chances are you are strapped for cash, or if you are not, you would at least like to have a little more of it. The good news is you don't have to wait until you earn your degree to start padding your wallet. Read on to discover great part-time job opportunities that will help you earn money easily as a student.
Academic tutor
Why not make money out of your hard earned education by dispensing it? Tutoring is a lucrative option for students to earn on a monthly basis. Currently, a single tutoring job can ensure BDT 5,000 to 30,000 per month, depending upon the seeker's academic background, subjects, and place of residence.
Various Facebook pages accommodate both tuition seekers and tuition takers. Different university students also run many independent pages, where tuition offers are posted on behalf of guardians. A little research and quick response in the comments will land you your desired tutoring job.
Since the pandemic's onset, there has been a spike in freelance jobs as the work-from-home policy suits best with freelancers. A freelancer is a self-employed individual who takes on projects when they can, thus getting paid for the particular project only and not by the hours spent.
The possibilities for freelancing can span from a wide range of activities such as writing, coding, design, video-editing, photography, and art. You can also avail global jobs on websites like Upwork, Fiverr, and PeoplePerHour.
Being a barista can be fun for coffee enthusiasts. It also allows room for creativity as baristas are able to experiment with different flavours and tastes, and can even discover newer beverages. After screening CVs and conducting interviews, high-end cafes like North End Coffee Roasters provide probationary training to their hired employees, so that they eventually become professional baristas.
While the average pay for baristas may be BDT 6,000 per month, you can earn up to BDT 30,000, depending on the cafe or restaurant. Carrying this knowledge and experience abroad can be handy, as it increases chances of getting a part-time barista job, where you can earn minimum wage per hour or higher.
Small business owner
Small businesses are a growing trend in Bangladesh. Most of us at least know a friend or a relative who runs a business online. Entrepreneurs can improvise on the needs of people as per factors like weather, means of recreation, health, and so on. Setting up a business may seem tough, but can result in success if you introduce an authentic line of products through a well-organised online profile and efficient customer service.
Delivery agent
Being a delivery agent can be fun for cyclists and fitness enthusiasts. Since the onset of the pandemic and a resulting expanse of the online market, delivery agents have had the highest job opportunities. You can work for a variety of companies full-time, part-time, and even on a freelance basis. The average pay for
delivery agents is BDT 20 to 75 per delivery.
The author is a freelance journalist. Email: farahkabirg5@gmail.com.