Digital Frontiers, Breaking Barriers

Digital Frontiers, Breaking Barriers

Bangladesh's tech: from importer to manufacturer

Bangladesh is emerging as a digital device manufacturing country in the global technological sector.

6y ago

Boom in ICT exports

You'll certainly raise an eyebrow once you learn that Bangladesh is now exporting software and ICT related products to more than 50 countries around the globe, and some of them are developed countries.

6y ago

Bangladesh ICT & Telecom in Numbers

Bangladesh ICT & Telecom in Numbers

6y ago

4G in Bangladesh

4G in Bangladesh

6y ago

E-commerce: Is it truly safe?

With the advent of fast internet connections in our country, the e-commerce sector has boomed. Every day, a huge number of transactions occur as businesses conduct their operations without even meeting their clients face to face. But is this method of conducting business truly safe and secured?

6y ago

Making the most out of the internet

Internet plays an integral role in our everyday lives. Apart from international services, several national services have already popped up in Bangladesh which give more and more utilities from the internet.

6y ago

Internet banking in Bangladesh

Internet banking in Bangladesh

6y ago

Towards building an inclusive workforce

Due to the evolution of global workplace, the next worldwide emerging market are women. In Bangladesh the rate of female labour participation stands at 41.4%.

6y ago

Robots are taking all our jobs

I watched Black Mirror till 3AM last night while I hugged my blanket and prayed that technology doesn't turn the world into what the show portrays.

6y ago