The Team
Child Alert author: Simon Ingram
Reporting: Alastair Lawson-Tancred
Photography: Patrick Brown, Roger Le
Moyne, Brian Sokol, Siegfried Modola,
Ruslana Sirman
Campaign Planning & Coordination:
Shamsuddoza Sajen, The Daily Star
Tanjim Ferdous, The Daily Star
Child Alert is a briefing series that presents the core challenges for children in crisis locations.
Rohingya children are among an estimated 28 million children worldwide who have been uprooted from their homes due to conflict, poverty and extreme weather.
For further information, please contact:
Simon Ingram
UNICEF Communications
Alastair Lawson-Tancred
UNICEF Cox’s Bazar
Marixie Mercado
Frehiwot Yilma
UNICEF Myanmar