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ACs could have altered the Indian subcontinent’s fate!

In his memoir "India Wins Freedom," Maulana Abul Kalam Azad recounts a pivotal moment during the Cabinet Mission Plan discussions, initiated on 24 March 1946. The purpose of the Mission was to facilitate the transfer of power from the British government to Indian political leadership, aiming to preserve India's unity and grant independence. However, the stifling heat in Delhi posed a significant challenge to the deliberations. Azad, recognizing the necessity for a cooler environment, proposed relocating the talks to Simla. Despite his suggestion, Viceroy Lord Wavell's insistence on staying in Delhi caused discomfort for all involved, with even Secretary of State for India Lord Pethick-Lawrence fainting due to the extreme heat. Although Azad was provided with an air-conditioned room, the oppressive weather conditions fueled a collective desire to swiftly conclude discussions. Regrettably, the deep-seated differences between Congress and the League proved insurmountable, leading to the failure of the discussions to yield a solution.

Lord Wavell



ACs could have altered the Indian subcontinent’s fate!

In his memoir "India Wins Freedom," Maulana Abul Kalam Azad recounts a pivotal moment during the Cabinet Mission Plan discussions, initiated on 24 March 1946. The purpose of the Mission was to facilitate the transfer of power from the British government to Indian political leadership, aiming to preserve India's unity and grant independence. However, the stifling heat in Delhi posed a significant challenge to the deliberations. Azad, recognizing the necessity for a cooler environment, proposed relocating the talks to Simla. Despite his suggestion, Viceroy Lord Wavell's insistence on staying in Delhi caused discomfort for all involved, with even Secretary of State for India Lord Pethick-Lawrence fainting due to the extreme heat. Although Azad was provided with an air-conditioned room, the oppressive weather conditions fueled a collective desire to swiftly conclude discussions. Regrettably, the deep-seated differences between Congress and the League proved insurmountable, leading to the failure of the discussions to yield a solution.

Lord Wavell



বিলম্ব-দুর্নীতিতে ৮ মেগা প্রকল্পের ব্যয় বেড়েছে ৭.৫২ বিলিয়ন ডলার: টাস্কফোর্স প্রতিবেদন

এই প্রকল্পগুলোর প্রাথমিক ব্যয় ধরা হয়েছিল ১১ দশমিক ২ বিলিয়ন ডলার, যা পরে বেড়ে ১৮ দশমিক ৬৪ বিলিয়ন ডলারে দাঁড়িয়েছে।

১ ঘণ্টা আগে