Zaynax Health: Revolutionising digital healthtech services in Bangladesh

The recent pandemic has forced people worldwide to reevaluate their countries' healthcare systems. There are growing concerns over how to improve the healthcare system's capacity to respond to emergencies. Bangladesh and other developing nations have suffered a great deal, opening the door for discussions on how healthcare may be improved overall, especially in these countries.
Even though difficulties exist in the healthcare industry, tech-savvy solutions like digital healthtech, telemedicine and data-driven solutions have become increasingly popular. This is because they bridge the gap between healthcare providers and service seekers.
One healthtech services platform that is making waves in the local healthtech industry is Zaynax Health. Zaynax Health is a 360-degree healthtech solution provider that bridges the gap between healthcare providers and health service seekers.

Zaynax Health provides all spectrums of healthcare under one platform. It prides itself as a healthtech company that combines various healthcare services in its health packages. Currently, Zaynax Health offers a wide range of digital healthtech services for its user base. These include video calls with medical professionals through toll-free numbers, appointment booking with doctors, medicine delivery, lab testing, report delivery, micro-insurance health cashback, discounts at medical facilities, etc. Additionally, Zaynax Health provides Call Centre Integration through which doctors are available 24/7 for consultation.
In its quest to make healthcare accessible for everyone in the country through the best-in-class technology integration, Zaynax Health strives to become the best technology-driven healthcare accessibility global platform. This will be possible when it can build an effective healthcare ecosystem for patients, doctors, hospitals, healthcare institutions, facilitators and other healthcare service providers.
Zaynax Health is proactively working to solve the problem that hampers a major part of the Bangladeshi population: low access to quality healthcare and high costs. The mass population in Bangladesh ignores their health needs due to fear of high medical costs and poverty that might follow if they seek healthcare. Hence, Zaynax is reaching out to the remotest corners of the country to provide healthcare facilities with a vision to convert our population into human capital.
One of the prime factors hampering the healthcare situation of the population of our country is out-of-pocket expenses. Through micro-insurance health cashback services, Zaynax is working to reduce healthcare costs so that people receive proper healthcare services. This in turn will facilitate the development of a healthy population and allow them to contribute towards the economic development of the country.
Zaynax Health is also working hard to establish Bangladesh as a developed and prosperous country by 2041 through its transition to a knowledge-based economy. The main components under 'Smart Bangladesh by 2041' will be smart education, smart healthcare, smart agriculture, etc. Zaynax Health is working to dissolve inequality in the healthcare sector by making healthcare accessible and affordable for the marginal population.
Recently, Zaynax Health joined forces with BGMEA to reach out to six million RMG workers and ensure their well-being. The health condition of RMG workers is often treated as an afterthought since the workers are preoccupied with their workload. Another reason for their negligence is the cost of treatment.

Zaynax Health is working closely with BGMEA to provide healthcare packages for the underserved so that they can access treatment anytime and from anywhere. The workers are subscribers of the healthcare packages provided by Zaynax Health and receive cashback on their treatment and hospitalisation costs.
Moreover, Zaynax Health is partnering with pharmacies across the country. The prime target of Zaynax is to create a smart healthtech ecosystem for Smart Bangladesh by 2041.
Furthermore, Zaynax Health, in collaboration with Swiss Contact is developing a supply chain for its 'Doctor Calling Card' to reach Community-paramedics (CP) who will get a commission for selling every calling card.
As a healthtech startup, Zaynax has a team of young and energetic fresh graduates and mentors them towards a better professional career. Zaynax also recruits field workers for acquisition, delivery, and other related works through which it ensures an inclusive job environment. Zaynax is an equal opportunity employer and has 50% women employed in its workforce.
Zaynax Health has the vision to ensure healthcare for all. Keeping this vision in mind, Zaynax is targeting to reach 4,562 unions within the next five years. Reaching every doorstep of the country will make Zaynax Health a household name for healthcare.

Zaynax Health began its backend operations in 2020 to set up the infrastructure. By the end of 2020, it piloted its services through its one-stop solution app with medical calls. In 2021, its operation got pushed back due to the pandemic. However, it bounced back the next year as it finally launched in February 2022.
From February 2022 till now, Zaynax Health has experienced a sharp growth of 400% every month. The company is experiencing high growth in its initial stage as its strategy involves handpicking healthtech industry leaders to run its operations. The company started with a 10-member team in 2020 and expanded to 83 as of today. Zaynax has a client base of 55,000 customers, including more than 15,000 RMG workers on its platform.
The healthcare sector has already started reaping the benefits of digitalisation. With more startups like Zaynax Health playing an instrumental role in the development of the healthcare ecosystem in the country, the people of Bangladesh can hope for a better future ahead.