It Takes One to Save One

Buoyed by his first attempt of supporting a leukemic patient in need of funds, Mr. Najmus Ahmed Albab lobbied harder for more donations and turned this personal initiative into a foundation, the Bangladesh Cancer Aid Foundation (BANCAF), in 2011.
As the foundation's impact on the society grew bigger and greater, Mr. Ahmed realised that it needs to be turned into a formal organisation and accordingly, the foundation was legalised as a trust and Bangladesh Cancer Aid Trust (BANCAT) was born in 2019.
BANCAT is a nationwide, community-based, voluntary organisation dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by prevention and diminishing suffering through education, advocacy, and service. Mr. Ahmed brought 14 other like-minded individuals on-board as t rustees, many of whom had been indirectly affected by cancer. BANCAT provides financial assistance and emotional support to underserved cancer patients of society. It also works towards raising awareness about cancer through a variety of social activities at different levels of society. Some of these activities include Cricket for Cancer, walkathon, cancer awareness campaigns, and cancer screenings.
As of 2020, BANCAT has served more than 200 patients with BDT 10 million, supported by over 100 individuals and organisations. The movement has been possible by the 200 volunteers who work uncompromisingly in the fight against cancer and has given hope to the people in need.
People from different walks of life and various business organisations directly help BANCAT to manage and serve its patients through financial and other assistance.
BANCAT has a patient adoption programme under which an individual/organisation can take responsibility for treating a cancer patient by contributing BDT 10,000/month. The treatment ranges from the patient's doctor visiting fee, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, medicine purchase, hospital admission to operation and such. BANCAT keeps the donors posted about the patient's updates on a monthly basis.

BANCAT acts as a bridge between the affluent and underserved people of the society, working tirelessly and relentlessly to prevent cancer.
If you know of any cancer patient in need of support, contact BANCAT at +8801938830002.
To support cancer patients in need kindly forward your contribution to:
bKash: +8801612226223 (Merchant Account)
BANCAT - Bank Asia, Scotia Branch
Account Number: 00733004894 BANCAT - Prime Bank, Banani Branch
Account Number: 2132111021363
