A recipient of the 2022 Erasmus Mundus scholarship walks you through the process.
For an Anthropology major, the world truly is their oyster.
University grading scales are far more complicated, with numerous positive and negative grades alongside letter marks.
Does everyone develop academic guilt the same way, and for the same reasons?
How exactly do you make a group study session effective?
For students, burnout is common if they are in a highly demanding academic discipline.
This is all normal when you have friends from all corners of the university.
Staying relevant translates to positive outcomes for people.
Banks, a professor emeritus at Princeton University, died Saturday in upstate New York, his editor, Dan Halpern, told The Associated Press. Banks was being treated for cancer.
Just because a huge number of highly successful people happen to be from leading public universities doesn’t mean all their achievements can be attributed to their institutions.
The students have a clear demand, "Take less or make space."
Grade grievance result from a lack of transparency in a university’s grading process.
ARCASIA intends to unite architects in this region and provide them with a platform to maintain professional networks.
For BRACU students leaving for their Residential Semester.
Akbar Ali Khan is no more. His passing leaves a deep chasm in the intellectual firmament of Bangladesh.
His death is a loss for the nation.