Actress Nadia Ahmed

Mother's Day Special / My mother’s influence shaped my career: Nadia Ahmed

Prominent actress Nadia Ahmed, who is also popular as a dancer and model, has been gracing the country's entertainment scene with her multifaceted talent. On the poignant occasion of International Mother's Day, the seasoned artiste, who has graced the showbiz arena for decades, offered heartfelt reflections on her mother Afroza Akhtar in an exclusive interview with The Daily Star.

May 12, 2024
May 12, 2024

My mother’s influence shaped my career: Nadia Ahmed

Prominent actress Nadia Ahmed, who is also popular as a dancer and model, has been gracing the country's entertainment scene with her multifaceted talent. On the poignant occasion of International Mother's Day, the seasoned artiste, who has graced the showbiz arena for decades, offered heartfelt reflections on her mother Afroza Akhtar in an exclusive interview with The Daily Star.

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