Actress Shobnom Bubly shared the poster of her upcoming starrer project “Pinik” on social media, announcing its release during Eid. The film is set to join the lineup alongside new movies starring Shakib Khan, Siam Ahmed, and Afran Nisho for the upcoming Eid-ul-Fitr.
One of showbiz’s most sought-after stars, Afran Nisho took home the Best Actor in Negative Role award at the Blender's Choice-The Daily Star OTT & Digital Content Awards 2021. The actor won the award for his stellar performance in the Chorki web-series “Morichika”.
Actress Shobnom Bubly shared the poster of her upcoming starrer project “Pinik” on social media, announcing its release during Eid. The film is set to join the lineup alongside new movies starring Shakib Khan, Siam Ahmed, and Afran Nisho for the upcoming Eid-ul-Fitr.
One of showbiz’s most sought-after stars, Afran Nisho took home the Best Actor in Negative Role award at the Blender's Choice-The Daily Star OTT & Digital Content Awards 2021. The actor won the award for his stellar performance in the Chorki web-series “Morichika”.