The recently aired drama "Narasundari", starring Tanjin Tisha, has garnered significant attention after its broadcast on Banglavision and subsequent release on their YouTube channel. The drama, based on a story by Ahmed Tawkir and directed by Rafat Mozumder Rinku, has been well-received by the audience.
After her father's passing, Bonnhi, a young college graduate, is abruptly mandated to take up his profession to support her family. She takes up scissors and razors in the village bazaar, riding her father’s old bicycle to take her late father’s spot as a barber. Initially, she fights an uphill battle as the villagers are reluctant to let her do the job. Although the villagers grow accustomed to her skills, her family still becomes the victim of chronic discrimination, eventually forcing them to leave the area.
The recently aired drama "Narasundari", starring Tanjin Tisha, has garnered significant attention after its broadcast on Banglavision and subsequent release on their YouTube channel. The drama, based on a story by Ahmed Tawkir and directed by Rafat Mozumder Rinku, has been well-received by the audience.
After her father's passing, Bonnhi, a young college graduate, is abruptly mandated to take up his profession to support her family. She takes up scissors and razors in the village bazaar, riding her father’s old bicycle to take her late father’s spot as a barber. Initially, she fights an uphill battle as the villagers are reluctant to let her do the job. Although the villagers grow accustomed to her skills, her family still becomes the victim of chronic discrimination, eventually forcing them to leave the area.