In a fierce battle amongst studios, Netflix emerged triumphant in acquiring the rights to “The Fifth Wheel”, a forthcoming ensemble comedy show featuring reality TV icon turned actress Kim Kardashian in a leading role. The competitive situation saw the streaming giant clinch the project, which promises to showcase Kardashian as the focal "fifth wheel" character within a female-centric ensemble cast. While specifics about the plot remain shrouded in secrecy, the screenplay comes from the creative minds of Paula Pell and Janine Brito.
Reality television star Kim Kardashian will turn to acting in an upcoming season of FX network’s anthology series American Horror Story, co-creator Ryan Murphy said on Monday.
Leonardo DiCaprio became a trending topic during Sunday night’s Golden Globes for making a face when Lady Gaga, who was walking toward the stage to accept her award for Best Actress in a Limited Series or TV Movie, touched his back as she walked by.
In a fierce battle amongst studios, Netflix emerged triumphant in acquiring the rights to “The Fifth Wheel”, a forthcoming ensemble comedy show featuring reality TV icon turned actress Kim Kardashian in a leading role. The competitive situation saw the streaming giant clinch the project, which promises to showcase Kardashian as the focal "fifth wheel" character within a female-centric ensemble cast. While specifics about the plot remain shrouded in secrecy, the screenplay comes from the creative minds of Paula Pell and Janine Brito.
Reality television star Kim Kardashian will turn to acting in an upcoming season of FX network’s anthology series American Horror Story, co-creator Ryan Murphy said on Monday.
Leonardo DiCaprio became a trending topic during Sunday night’s Golden Globes for making a face when Lady Gaga, who was walking toward the stage to accept her award for Best Actress in a Limited Series or TV Movie, touched his back as she walked by.