animal sacrifices

#Perspective / The charm of Mirkadim cows at the Rahmatganj Cattle Market

When you step into the Rahmatganj Cattle Market, located at the Rahmatganj playground in the heart of old Dhaka, a sense of anticipation will grip you about all the sacrificial animals gathered for the occasion of Eid ul Azha. Amidst the lively atmosphere, some are looking for not just any breed of cows, but the prized ‘buitta’, white cows which hail from Mirkadim of Munshiganj.

#Guides / Cleanliness during Eid ul Azha

While the sacrifice of a beloved animal during Eid ul Azha has significant value to everyone and is a celebration for all Muslims, one thing we fail to keep in mind is to maintain the cleanliness of our surroundings.

Eid — then and now

The spirituality and holiness you feel while reciting the “talbiyah” along with the congregation is a powerful feeling. The sacredness and religiousness gives you a sensation of purity, it connects you to the almighty and you surrender yourself totally. 

June 27, 2023
June 27, 2023

The charm of Mirkadim cows at the Rahmatganj Cattle Market

When you step into the Rahmatganj Cattle Market, located at the Rahmatganj playground in the heart of old Dhaka, a sense of anticipation will grip you about all the sacrificial animals gathered for the occasion of Eid ul Azha. Amidst the lively atmosphere, some are looking for not just any breed of cows, but the prized ‘buitta’, white cows which hail from Mirkadim of Munshiganj.

June 27, 2023
June 27, 2023

Cleanliness during Eid ul Azha

While the sacrifice of a beloved animal during Eid ul Azha has significant value to everyone and is a celebration for all Muslims, one thing we fail to keep in mind is to maintain the cleanliness of our surroundings.

July 18, 2021
July 18, 2021

Eid — then and now

The spirituality and holiness you feel while reciting the “talbiyah” along with the congregation is a powerful feeling. The sacredness and religiousness gives you a sensation of purity, it connects you to the almighty and you surrender yourself totally.