animated movie

Movie / Ultraman: Rising is a fresh rendition of a classic superhero franchise

Ultraman: Rising’s success lies in its ability to take a “superhero vs monster” setting and turn it into a tale of parenthood and growth.

'Minions' becomes 2nd biggest animated movie ever

Minions has become the second-highest grossing animated film of all time after Academy Award-winning 2013 film Frozen.

September 19, 2024
September 19, 2024

Ultraman: Rising is a fresh rendition of a classic superhero franchise

Ultraman: Rising’s success lies in its ability to take a “superhero vs monster” setting and turn it into a tale of parenthood and growth.

September 15, 2015
September 15, 2015

'Minions' becomes 2nd biggest animated movie ever

Minions has become the second-highest grossing animated film of all time after Academy Award-winning 2013 film Frozen.