The as-yet-untitled documentary has no announced release date but promises to explore the band’s unparalleled musical achievements and the dramatic personal stories that shaped its legacy.
Lawrence will co-produce “The Wives” with Justine Ciarrocchi under her Excellent Cadaver production banner.
Acclaimed director Spike Lee and actor Denzel Washington are set to team up once again for an exciting new project. Lee will helm the English-language adaptation of Akira Kurosawa's 1963 crime film, "High and Low", starring Washington in the lead role. This collaboration, announced by Apple Original Films in partnership with A24, marks a highly anticipated reunion between the two iconic figures in cinema.
The as-yet-untitled documentary has no announced release date but promises to explore the band’s unparalleled musical achievements and the dramatic personal stories that shaped its legacy.
Lawrence will co-produce “The Wives” with Justine Ciarrocchi under her Excellent Cadaver production banner.
Acclaimed director Spike Lee and actor Denzel Washington are set to team up once again for an exciting new project. Lee will helm the English-language adaptation of Akira Kurosawa's 1963 crime film, "High and Low", starring Washington in the lead role. This collaboration, announced by Apple Original Films in partnership with A24, marks a highly anticipated reunion between the two iconic figures in cinema.