Astrophysical Journal Letters

Planet in star system next door may have ocean: study

A rocky planet discovered in the "habitable" zone of the star nearest our Sun may be covered with oceans, according to a new study.

More than 800 dark galaxies found

Astronomers discover 854 "ultra dark galaxies" filled with mysterious dark matter in the Coma Cluster, one of the richest cluster of galaxies containing thousands of systems reports The Times of India.

October 8, 2016
October 8, 2016

Planet in star system next door may have ocean: study

A rocky planet discovered in the "habitable" zone of the star nearest our Sun may be covered with oceans, according to a new study.

June 24, 2015
June 24, 2015

More than 800 dark galaxies found

Astronomers discover 854 "ultra dark galaxies" filled with mysterious dark matter in the Coma Cluster, one of the richest cluster of galaxies containing thousands of systems reports The Times of India.