Tahsan and rising star Atiya Anisha have collaborated on a playback song for the upcoming film, “Jongli”. Titled “Jonmo Jonmo”, the duet has been composed and written by legendary Prince Mahmud, with musical arrangement by Imran Mahmudul.
A few months ago, Atiya Anisha and Robiul Islam Jibon achieved new milestones by securing the National Film Awards. While the award for Best Lyricist went to Jibon, the Best Female Singer Award went to Atiya Anisha. Even though they won for different songs, the duo had previously worked together.
Talented singer Atiya Anisha became a household name in the Bangladeshi film and music industry with her crowd-favorite playback singles like “Cholo Niralay” from the movie “Poran”, “Jadur Ayna” from the web-film “Antonagar”, and more. Recently, she received the Best Singer Award in the female category for the song “Ei Shohorer Pothe Pothe” from the movie “Payer Chhaap”, at the Bangladesh National Film Awards. The talented songstress dropped by The Daily Star for a chat.
Tahsan and rising star Atiya Anisha have collaborated on a playback song for the upcoming film, “Jongli”. Titled “Jonmo Jonmo”, the duet has been composed and written by legendary Prince Mahmud, with musical arrangement by Imran Mahmudul.
A few months ago, Atiya Anisha and Robiul Islam Jibon achieved new milestones by securing the National Film Awards. While the award for Best Lyricist went to Jibon, the Best Female Singer Award went to Atiya Anisha. Even though they won for different songs, the duo had previously worked together.
Talented singer Atiya Anisha became a household name in the Bangladeshi film and music industry with her crowd-favorite playback singles like “Cholo Niralay” from the movie “Poran”, “Jadur Ayna” from the web-film “Antonagar”, and more. Recently, she received the Best Singer Award in the female category for the song “Ei Shohorer Pothe Pothe” from the movie “Payer Chhaap”, at the Bangladesh National Film Awards. The talented songstress dropped by The Daily Star for a chat.