Bangabandhu Satellite

ONE YEAR OF BANGABANDHU SATELLITE / TV stations to take services from next week

All the local television stations are now ready to get on board the Bangabandhu Satellite – 1 -- one year after its launch.

Bangabandhu satellite to link 39,000 ships at sea

Bangabandhu-1 satellite will provide the connectivity to around 39,000 ships in the Bay and the inland ports of the country in a year.

SpaceX launches Bangabandhu-1 satellite with most powerful Falcon 9 rocket

SpaceX blasts off its newest and most powerful Falcon 9 rocket, known as the Block 5, to launch the first communications satellite for Bangladesh called Bangabandhu Satellite-1, marking a leap forward in re-usability for the California-based aerospace company.

Ground gets signals from Bangabandhu-1

Banghabandhu-1 is getting closer to its orbit slot at 119.1 degree east and it is on Launch and Early Orbit Phase (LEOP), said officials concerned.

BNP raises question over ownership

The BNP yesterday alleged that the ownership of the country's first satellite, Bangabandhu-1, went to two people.

New era begins

The country's first communication satellite, Bangabandhu-1, is on its way to its orbital slot in space. With the launch of Bangabandhu-1, Bangladesh became the 57th country in the world and fourth in South Asia -- after India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka -- to have its own satellite in space.

Editorial / A leap into space-age technology

Notwithstanding the technical glitch that has postponed the event by one day, the launch of the Bangabandhu 1 satellite, from Florida, is a momentous occasion jumpstarting our leap in advanced technology and into space-age technology.

Dawn of a new era

Bangabandhu-1 is likely to be on the way to its orbit by the time you read this report.

How the Bangabandhu satellite will be launched in orbit

Bangladesh’s flagship venture Bangabandhu-1 satellite will be launched into orbit today. The satellite will be carried by a SpaceX Falcon-9 rocket and the launch will be streamed live at US local time 4:12pm to 6:22pm from SpaceX launch station in Florida.

May 6, 2018
May 6, 2018

Bangabandhu Satellite-1 launch schedule after test results

Though the test results of Bangladesh's first satellite, Bangabandhu-1 was expected to be in hand by Saturday evening, the SpaceX authorities are yet to provide its results, says Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission Dr Shahjahan Mahmood.

May 6, 2018
May 6, 2018

Bangabandhu-1: Pre-launch test done successfully

The test run of the country's first geostationary communications satellite, Bangabandhu-1, has been successfully completed yesterday, said the BTRC.

April 25, 2018
April 25, 2018

Bangabandhu satellite launch deferred to May 7

The launch of Bangladesh’s first commercial satellite, Bangabandhu-1, has been deferred.

March 28, 2018
March 28, 2018

Satellite Bangabandhu-1 starts for Florida tomorrow for launching

Bangladesh's first communication satellite Bangabandhu-1 will be shipped from France to Florida of the Unite States tomorrow for launching to the orbit in the next month.

March 18, 2018
March 18, 2018

Bangabandhu Satellite: Waiting in the wings

Bangabandhu-1, the first commercial satellite of the country, is likely to be sent into orbit next month and it will be ready for use in three months after the launch. The satellite is all set for the launch, said Shahjahan Mahmood, chairman of Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC), which is dealing with the much-talked-about project.

July 3, 2017
July 3, 2017

Cabinet nods to formation of firm to operate Bangabandhu satellite

The cabinet has approved a proposal to form Communication Satellite Company in Bangladesh, as the country prepares to launch its first commercial satellite into space.
