Bangla medium schools

Opinion / Curriculum and textbooks as weapons

Does “simplifying” the curriculum really guarantee that children will not be able to pace themselves in higher studies?

School choice: Celebrating, not eliminating, variety

We rarely think about the fact that individuals studying under different education streams may have different perceptions of what being educated means and may have different educational goals and aspirations.

The importance of learning in one’s mother tongue

Language is not only important for communication, it is also a tool for intellectual and mental development.

Bangla vs. English medium / The futility of the debate

It is somehow taken for granted, by students and parents alike, that there is a fundamental difference between students of Bangla medium and English medium schools. This division carries on to higher education as well.

November 25, 2023
November 25, 2023

Curriculum and textbooks as weapons

Does “simplifying” the curriculum really guarantee that children will not be able to pace themselves in higher studies?

September 16, 2023
September 16, 2023

School choice: Celebrating, not eliminating, variety

We rarely think about the fact that individuals studying under different education streams may have different perceptions of what being educated means and may have different educational goals and aspirations.

April 9, 2023
April 9, 2023

The importance of learning in one’s mother tongue

Language is not only important for communication, it is also a tool for intellectual and mental development.

June 2, 2016
June 2, 2016

The futility of the debate

It is somehow taken for granted, by students and parents alike, that there is a fundamental difference between students of Bangla medium and English medium schools. This division carries on to higher education as well.

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