Bangladesh apparel sector

Intra-RMG diversification: The next frontier

The highly impressive track record of Bangladesh’s export-oriented readymade garments (e-o RMG) sector is well-known and well-appreciated.

A sudden surge in orders to test RMG, textile sectors’ capacity

Bangladesh might be the second-largest apparel supplier in the world, but its current installed capacity will not be adequate to meet demand if orders surge significantly as buyers shift away from countries such as China and Vietnam.

February 20, 2024
February 20, 2024

Intra-RMG diversification: The next frontier

The highly impressive track record of Bangladesh’s export-oriented readymade garments (e-o RMG) sector is well-known and well-appreciated.

September 14, 2023
September 14, 2023

A sudden surge in orders to test RMG, textile sectors’ capacity

Bangladesh might be the second-largest apparel supplier in the world, but its current installed capacity will not be adequate to meet demand if orders surge significantly as buyers shift away from countries such as China and Vietnam.