Bangladesh RMG exports

Small garment units in a tight spot

Small and medium-sized garment factories in Bangladesh are finding it increasingly difficult to keep their heads above water amid the rising cost of production and a fall in work orders from international clothing retailers and brands.

Three-fourths of RMG exports concentrated in 9 countries

Around 73 per cent of Bangladesh’s garment exports is still limited to nine countries for a lack of market diversification in spite of different public and private initiatives. 

AnonTex riding on BB favours

Bangladesh Bank has given AnonTex, which took more than Tk 5,500 crore from Janata Bank through serious irregularities, a controversial permission to take more loans from other state-owned banks as well, reschedule its loans and valuate its assets afresh to make it look like a healthy company.

RMG Factories Since Rana Plaza Disaster: Workplace safety improved a lot

International inspection agencies said safety conditions in the country's $30 billion garment industry have improved dramatically since the Rana Plaza disaster, thanks to efforts by entrepreneurs, retailers and brands.

Security issues: 790 RMG factories shut down, says minister

A total of 790 readymade garment factories, including 39 export-oriented ones, are shut down following inspections under the supervision of Jatiya Udyog, Accord and Alliance, the commerce minister says.


Bangladesh's manufacturing sector has grown steadily as the country has industrialised. Manufacturing now accounts for 30 percent of GDP, nearly double the share of agriculture.

Bangladesh can create millions of jobs in RMG sector: WB study

Bangladesh can create millions of jobs for garment workers through improving the productivity and social and environmental compliance, according to a new study by the World Bank (WB).

Editorial / Survivors still haunted by Rana Plaza

Three years into the Rana Plaza collapse, as many as 58.4 percent of Rana Plaza survivors are still suffering from mental illnesses...

October 24, 2023
October 24, 2023

Small garment units in a tight spot

Small and medium-sized garment factories in Bangladesh are finding it increasingly difficult to keep their heads above water amid the rising cost of production and a fall in work orders from international clothing retailers and brands.

January 9, 2023
January 9, 2023
August 25, 2022
August 25, 2022

Three-fourths of RMG exports concentrated in 9 countries

Around 73 per cent of Bangladesh’s garment exports is still limited to nine countries for a lack of market diversification in spite of different public and private initiatives. 

October 28, 2018
October 28, 2018

AnonTex riding on BB favours

Bangladesh Bank has given AnonTex, which took more than Tk 5,500 crore from Janata Bank through serious irregularities, a controversial permission to take more loans from other state-owned banks as well, reschedule its loans and valuate its assets afresh to make it look like a healthy company.

April 24, 2018
April 24, 2018

RMG Factories Since Rana Plaza Disaster: Workplace safety improved a lot

International inspection agencies said safety conditions in the country's $30 billion garment industry have improved dramatically since the Rana Plaza disaster, thanks to efforts by entrepreneurs, retailers and brands.

June 20, 2016
June 20, 2016

Security issues: 790 RMG factories shut down, says minister

A total of 790 readymade garment factories, including 39 export-oriented ones, are shut down following inspections under the supervision of Jatiya Udyog, Accord and Alliance, the commerce minister says.

May 30, 2016
May 30, 2016

RMG: Smartest Strategies

Bangladesh's manufacturing sector has grown steadily as the country has industrialised. Manufacturing now accounts for 30 percent of GDP, nearly double the share of agriculture.

May 2, 2016
May 2, 2016

Bangladesh can create millions of jobs in RMG sector: WB study

Bangladesh can create millions of jobs for garment workers through improving the productivity and social and environmental compliance, according to a new study by the World Bank (WB).

April 18, 2016
April 18, 2016

Survivors still haunted by Rana Plaza

Three years into the Rana Plaza collapse, as many as 58.4 percent of Rana Plaza survivors are still suffering from mental illnesses...

April 13, 2016
April 13, 2016

RMG: 49.5% remediation works completed

A 49.5 percent remediation works in the factories under the Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety (Alliance) is completed, as recommended by the experts to ensure workplace safety.