Bangladesh teacher humiliation

Humiliation of Narayanganj teacher: Jatiya Party lawmaker Salim Osman surrenders before Dhaka court

A Dhaka court asks Jatiya Party (JP) lawmaker AKM Salim Osman to appear before it on May 23 after he surrendered in a case filed over an assault on Narayanganj school teacher Shyamal Kanti Bhakta. The court did not hear a bail petition submitted by him as he is on a 15-day bail given by the High Court.

May 14, 2017
May 14, 2017

Humiliation of Narayanganj teacher: Jatiya Party lawmaker Salim Osman surrenders before Dhaka court

A Dhaka court asks Jatiya Party (JP) lawmaker AKM Salim Osman to appear before it on May 23 after he surrendered in a case filed over an assault on Narayanganj school teacher Shyamal Kanti Bhakta. The court did not hear a bail petition submitted by him as he is on a 15-day bail given by the High Court.