Bangladeshi expatriate Ruhul Amin

A 24-year homecoming wait ends in death

"Going [to] BD after 24 years", read the Facebook status of Bangladeshi expatriate living in the US Ruhul Amin. However, before he could reach his home in Sylhet's Beanibazar, he died in a road accident on the Dhaka-Sylhet Highway in Brahmanbaria on Wednesday night. The accident also injured four more members of the family.

January 16, 2020
January 16, 2020

A 24-year homecoming wait ends in death

"Going [to] BD after 24 years", read the Facebook status of Bangladeshi expatriate living in the US Ruhul Amin. However, before he could reach his home in Sylhet's Beanibazar, he died in a road accident on the Dhaka-Sylhet Highway in Brahmanbaria on Wednesday night. The accident also injured four more members of the family.