Bangladeshi stall at Cannes Film Festival

BFDC loses opportunity to attend Cannes’ Marché du Film

For the first time in the history of the Cannes Film Festival, a stall from Bangladesh was allocated at the event’s 76th edition. The booth was booked under the name of Bangladesh Film Development Corporation (BFDC), however, from the first day till now, the stall has remained empty.

Bangladeshi stall struggling at Cannes Film Festival?

A booth was booked on the name of Bangladesh Film Development Corporation (BFDC), however, even on the second day of the festival, no one seemed to be there at the stall.

May 23, 2023
May 23, 2023

BFDC loses opportunity to attend Cannes’ Marché du Film

For the first time in the history of the Cannes Film Festival, a stall from Bangladesh was allocated at the event’s 76th edition. The booth was booked under the name of Bangladesh Film Development Corporation (BFDC), however, from the first day till now, the stall has remained empty.

May 17, 2023
May 17, 2023

Bangladeshi stall struggling at Cannes Film Festival?

A booth was booked on the name of Bangladesh Film Development Corporation (BFDC), however, even on the second day of the festival, no one seemed to be there at the stall.