Bangladeshi workers killed

5 Bangladeshi workers among 11 killed in Malaysia road crash

At least 11 people including five Bangladeshi nationals were killed when a bus carrying workers fell into a monsoon drain after taking wrong exit near MASKargo in Kuala Lumpur International Airport of Malaysia last night.

4 Bangladeshis killed in Oman accident

Four Bangladeshi workers are killed and four others injured in an accident at Yiti of Oman when they were traveling to their worksite.

April 8, 2019
April 8, 2019

5 Bangladeshi workers among 11 killed in Malaysia road crash

At least 11 people including five Bangladeshi nationals were killed when a bus carrying workers fell into a monsoon drain after taking wrong exit near MASKargo in Kuala Lumpur International Airport of Malaysia last night.

September 15, 2015
September 15, 2015

4 Bangladeshis killed in Oman accident

Four Bangladeshi workers are killed and four others injured in an accident at Yiti of Oman when they were traveling to their worksite.