BD Post Office

Down but not out

This song might give many from our older generation a sense of nostalgia for the days when we used to wait for the postman to know if there was “some word” from our loved ones.

Barely surviving, yet serving

The post office is in a two-storey building on a busy street in the city's Mohammadpur area. Three post boxes of three colours are on its yard. If it were not for those, people probably would not realise that it was a post office. Over the years the buildings surrounding it have changed but the post office stayed almost the same.

October 9, 2017
October 9, 2017

Barely surviving, yet serving

The post office is in a two-storey building on a busy street in the city's Mohammadpur area. Three post boxes of three colours are on its yard. If it were not for those, people probably would not realise that it was a post office. Over the years the buildings surrounding it have changed but the post office stayed almost the same.

October 9, 2017
October 9, 2017

Down but not out

This song might give many from our older generation a sense of nostalgia for the days when we used to wait for the postman to know if there was “some word” from our loved ones.