This month, Bijori takes on a new cinematic journey with “840”, directed by the renowned Mostofa Sarwar Farooki. In an exclusive interview with The Daily Star, she shared her thoughts about the film and her career.
In a time when remembering the contributions of Bangabandhu is seemingly being questioned, actress Rokeya Prachi courageously took her stand in mourning Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, almost single-handedly.
In her illustrious career, Zeenat Barkatullah served as the director of Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy (production department), while overseeing its dance and music departments.
Bijori is blessed with good skin so she doesn't need to take care of her skintoo much. But since she has to do a lot of heavy makeup for shooting, she follows the cleansing, toning and moisturizing routine religiously.
Bijori Barkatullah has been an actress, singer, dancer and model of Bangladeshi media for over two decades. She started acting with the drama...
This month, Bijori takes on a new cinematic journey with “840”, directed by the renowned Mostofa Sarwar Farooki. In an exclusive interview with The Daily Star, she shared her thoughts about the film and her career.
In a time when remembering the contributions of Bangabandhu is seemingly being questioned, actress Rokeya Prachi courageously took her stand in mourning Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, almost single-handedly.
In her illustrious career, Zeenat Barkatullah served as the director of Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy (production department), while overseeing its dance and music departments.
Bijori is blessed with good skin so she doesn't need to take care of her skintoo much. But since she has to do a lot of heavy makeup for shooting, she follows the cleansing, toning and moisturizing routine religiously.
Bijori Barkatullah has been an actress, singer, dancer and model of Bangladeshi media for over two decades. She started acting with the drama...