border security situation

2 mortar shells fired from Myanmar fighter jets land in Bandarban

Two more mortar shells fired from Myanmar fighter jets landed inside Bangladeshi territory in Bandarban this (September 3, 2022) morning, police said.

4-day BGB-BGP summit starts in Dhaka

Against the backdrop of the recent tension along the Bangladesh-Myanmar border, a four-day summit between the two border forces begins in Dhaka with an aim to improve the border security situation.

September 3, 2022
September 3, 2022

2 mortar shells fired from Myanmar fighter jets land in Bandarban

Two more mortar shells fired from Myanmar fighter jets landed inside Bangladeshi territory in Bandarban this (September 3, 2022) morning, police said.

July 9, 2018
July 9, 2018

4-day BGB-BGP summit starts in Dhaka

Against the backdrop of the recent tension along the Bangladesh-Myanmar border, a four-day summit between the two border forces begins in Dhaka with an aim to improve the border security situation.

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