Bureaucracy in Bangladesh

A monument to systemic negligence

Chattogram testing lab remains inoperative even after nine years

Zero tolerance, but plenty of clearance?

The corrupt should have no place in public service

Don’t reward corrupt, negligent public servants

Bangladesh needs an accountable, service-oriented administrative system

Civil service needs a major overhaul

Bureaucrats’ resistance, political inertia key barriers to reforms

With great power comes great scrutiny. State officials aren't above it

Draft service rules raise concerns of further corruption in public sector

The unfinished struggle for a democratic, egalitarian state

We don’t worry about freeing everyone anymore; we only think of ourselves.

Can bureaucrats be neutral in a win-or-lose-all battle?

Let me put it another way: is a fair election possible even if Awami League “allows” it?

Why delay probing money launderers?

Investigators sitting on information about Dubai real estate purchase despite HC order

Behind the pre-eminence of bureaucrats

The question is one of making the bureaucracy more responsible and responsive.

January 23, 2023
January 23, 2023

Can a bureaucrat-reliant ACC really be independent?

The recent decision to empower the secretary does not bode well for the Anti-Corruption Commission

January 23, 2023
January 23, 2023

What’s the point of a ceremonial ACC?

Red tape, non-cooperation remain major hurdles for its function

September 11, 2022
September 11, 2022

Akbar Ali Khan: A versatile scholar bureaucrat

Akbar Ali Khan is no more. His passing leaves a deep chasm in the intellectual firmament of Bangladesh.

August 28, 2022
August 28, 2022

Ministers are the boss, bureaucrats real boss

Who is calling all the shots in government affairs at the moment, the ministers or the bureaucrats? The answer is pretty obvious.
