The film “Devi” (2018) is an adaptation of a novel by celebrated author Humayun Ahmed. Helmed by director Anam Biswas, the movie featured Jaya Ahsan in a central role, while Chanchal Chowdhury portrays the character of Misir Ali. Additionally, the film showcased a noteworthy performance from television actress Sabnam Faria, who took on a key role in the film.
The aftermath of the incident led to the postponement of several Bengali film releases. Chanchal Chowdhury starrer “Padatik” and Subhashree Ganguly starrer “Babli” were released on August 15. However, it was evident from the beginning that the controversy surrounding RG Kar had dampened the public's interest in watching Bengali films.
The much-anticipated film “Toofan,” starring superstar Shakib Khan, has finally hit theatres in Malaysia starting August 23, following two previous delays.
Directed by Sukorno Shahed Dhiman, the series delves deep into the lives of people in the southern swamps and jungles, intertwining elements of mystery, drama, and thriller.
On August 5, the former prime minister Sheikh Hasina stepped down amid a surging student-led anti-discrimination movement. The shift in power since her ousting has sparked widespread transformations, with people from the entertainment industry not being spared from the turmoil. Many actors, linked to certain political identities, now find themselves in precarious positions.
"We filmed ‘Padatik’ in 2022, and it was a challenging time for me because my father passed away during the shoot. Despite that, I continued with the filming. The director encouraged me, and I performed with confidence," shared the “Aynabaji” actor.
As the country rejoices in the reformation process for a new Bangladesh, one artiste is in despair. Chanchal Chowdhury, the most successful actor of the past decade, is being attacked on social media, enduring metaphorical flames.
The recent political upheaval and the fall of Sheikh Hasina's government in Bangladesh have significantly impacted the entertainment industry in both Bengals. For decades, films have been co-produced by Bangladesh and India, featuring actors and actresses from both countries. However, with the current unstable political climate, these collaborations may be on hold.
From the story of becoming a filmmaker to overcoming failure and achieving success—the entire three-minute trailer of the film “Padatik” has piqued interest among viewers.
The film “Devi” (2018) is an adaptation of a novel by celebrated author Humayun Ahmed. Helmed by director Anam Biswas, the movie featured Jaya Ahsan in a central role, while Chanchal Chowdhury portrays the character of Misir Ali. Additionally, the film showcased a noteworthy performance from television actress Sabnam Faria, who took on a key role in the film.
The aftermath of the incident led to the postponement of several Bengali film releases. Chanchal Chowdhury starrer “Padatik” and Subhashree Ganguly starrer “Babli” were released on August 15. However, it was evident from the beginning that the controversy surrounding RG Kar had dampened the public's interest in watching Bengali films.
The much-anticipated film “Toofan,” starring superstar Shakib Khan, has finally hit theatres in Malaysia starting August 23, following two previous delays.
Directed by Sukorno Shahed Dhiman, the series delves deep into the lives of people in the southern swamps and jungles, intertwining elements of mystery, drama, and thriller.
On August 5, the former prime minister Sheikh Hasina stepped down amid a surging student-led anti-discrimination movement. The shift in power since her ousting has sparked widespread transformations, with people from the entertainment industry not being spared from the turmoil. Many actors, linked to certain political identities, now find themselves in precarious positions.
"We filmed ‘Padatik’ in 2022, and it was a challenging time for me because my father passed away during the shoot. Despite that, I continued with the filming. The director encouraged me, and I performed with confidence," shared the “Aynabaji” actor.
As the country rejoices in the reformation process for a new Bangladesh, one artiste is in despair. Chanchal Chowdhury, the most successful actor of the past decade, is being attacked on social media, enduring metaphorical flames.
The recent political upheaval and the fall of Sheikh Hasina's government in Bangladesh have significantly impacted the entertainment industry in both Bengals. For decades, films have been co-produced by Bangladesh and India, featuring actors and actresses from both countries. However, with the current unstable political climate, these collaborations may be on hold.
From the story of becoming a filmmaker to overcoming failure and achieving success—the entire three-minute trailer of the film “Padatik” has piqued interest among viewers.
As the country grapples with the ongoing quota reform protests, starting from July 1 and now on its 14th day, this song serves as a poignant reminder of the power and spirit of resistance. The government's heavy-handed response to peaceful protests, marked by violence and oppressive crackdowns, draws unsettling parallels to the struggles faced by countless others in the pursuit of justice and equality.