child right abuse

Editorial / Enforce the law on child labour

Despite the law prohibiting the employment of children, many brick kiln owners across Cumilla's Chauddagram upazila employ minors to do hazardous work.

Editorial / Justice elusive to abused children

The one-stop crisis centres (OCC), formed in 2001 to facilitate medical treatment, police assistance, social services, legal assistance and counselling for women and children who were victims of repression, have reportedly been reduced to providing medical services only.

PLEASURE IS ALL MINE / Petty causes, demonic crimes, a way out

The surge in sadistic crimes before and after the Eid has given us some bone-chilling realisations about where our society is headed.

March 4, 2019
March 4, 2019

Enforce the law on child labour

Despite the law prohibiting the employment of children, many brick kiln owners across Cumilla's Chauddagram upazila employ minors to do hazardous work.

August 12, 2015
August 12, 2015

Justice elusive to abused children

The one-stop crisis centres (OCC), formed in 2001 to facilitate medical treatment, police assistance, social services, legal assistance and counselling for women and children who were victims of repression, have reportedly been reduced to providing medical services only.

July 24, 2015
July 24, 2015

Petty causes, demonic crimes, a way out

The surge in sadistic crimes before and after the Eid has given us some bone-chilling realisations about where our society is headed.