China EV Europe

EU and China open talks over electric car tariffs

EU and China trade chiefs held "candid and constructive" talks on Saturday over plans from Brussels to ramp up tariffs on Chinese electric cars, and the two sides will hold further consultations, the EU said

European nations compete for Chinese EV factories, jobs even as EU weighs tariffs

European governments may be wary of budget Chinese electric vehicles flooding their markets but they're also fiercely competing for a share of the manufacturing investment and jobs the new competitors bring.

June 23, 2024
June 23, 2024

EU and China open talks over electric car tariffs

EU and China trade chiefs held "candid and constructive" talks on Saturday over plans from Brussels to ramp up tariffs on Chinese electric cars, and the two sides will hold further consultations, the EU said

June 10, 2024
June 10, 2024

European nations compete for Chinese EV factories, jobs even as EU weighs tariffs

European governments may be wary of budget Chinese electric vehicles flooding their markets but they're also fiercely competing for a share of the manufacturing investment and jobs the new competitors bring.

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