
Listening to music while studying: Is it a good idea?

Despite the obvious positives of listening to music when studying, one must be cautious to ensure that the music doesn’t hinder studying.

Morning larks or night owls?

Even if you feel like you're living your best life when it's late at night, being a night owl has some drawbacks. Most night owls still have to wake up early in the morning because of their job schedules or family responsibilities, which means that many of them don't get enough sleep. Disrupting one’s sleep pattern may have unnoticed negative effects on their overall health, in addition to having visible effects on how energetic they are during the day.

January 11, 2024
January 11, 2024

Listening to music while studying: Is it a good idea?

Despite the obvious positives of listening to music when studying, one must be cautious to ensure that the music doesn’t hinder studying.

January 3, 2023
January 3, 2023

Morning larks or night owls?

Even if you feel like you're living your best life when it's late at night, being a night owl has some drawbacks. Most night owls still have to wake up early in the morning because of their job schedules or family responsibilities, which means that many of them don't get enough sleep. Disrupting one’s sleep pattern may have unnoticed negative effects on their overall health, in addition to having visible effects on how energetic they are during the day.

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