“Rickshaw Girl,” directed by Amitabh Reza, is finally set to release in Bangladeshi cinemas next year, as confirmed by the director himself.
In recent times, we have seen a rising popularity in loose-fit denim jeans. Whether they are flared, or mom jeans, it is clear that for a lot of people, especially younger folk, skinny jeans are a thing of the past!
The monsoon season usually marks a lull in concert activities, however, musicians and bands from the country are keeping busy with performances overseas. Many music artistes are taking the stage in various countries around the globe, including Europe and the United States.
Education in Bangladesh took a major hit from the Covid pandemic, which caused 17.62 lakh students to drop out of educational institutions, according to government data.
Most of the 2.1-billion-strong workforce in Asia and the Pacific are denied access to decent jobs, healthcare and social protection.
After the Awami League government came to power in 2009, it took up several gigantic development projects with a view to transforming the country’s communication and transport infrastructure.
Unicef has recommended that the government prioritise a countrywide remedial programme for recovering the learning loss caused by 18 months of school closure amid the Covid pandemic.
“Rickshaw Girl,” directed by Amitabh Reza, is finally set to release in Bangladeshi cinemas next year, as confirmed by the director himself.
In recent times, we have seen a rising popularity in loose-fit denim jeans. Whether they are flared, or mom jeans, it is clear that for a lot of people, especially younger folk, skinny jeans are a thing of the past!
The monsoon season usually marks a lull in concert activities, however, musicians and bands from the country are keeping busy with performances overseas. Many music artistes are taking the stage in various countries around the globe, including Europe and the United States.
Education in Bangladesh took a major hit from the Covid pandemic, which caused 17.62 lakh students to drop out of educational institutions, according to government data.
Most of the 2.1-billion-strong workforce in Asia and the Pacific are denied access to decent jobs, healthcare and social protection.
After the Awami League government came to power in 2009, it took up several gigantic development projects with a view to transforming the country’s communication and transport infrastructure.
Unicef has recommended that the government prioritise a countrywide remedial programme for recovering the learning loss caused by 18 months of school closure amid the Covid pandemic.