Indian filmmaker Aniket Dutta is directing a film titled “The Clouds Wake No Clocks,” centred on the journey of a refugee family. The screenplay, co-written by Aniket Dutta and Roshni Sen, features Bangladeshi actors Mostafa Monwar and Deepanwita Martin in leading roles.
“Payer Tolay Mati Nai” presents a gripping narrative set against the backdrop of the devastating impacts of climate change.
Indian filmmaker Aniket Dutta is directing a film titled “The Clouds Wake No Clocks,” centred on the journey of a refugee family. The screenplay, co-written by Aniket Dutta and Roshni Sen, features Bangladeshi actors Mostafa Monwar and Deepanwita Martin in leading roles.
“Payer Tolay Mati Nai” presents a gripping narrative set against the backdrop of the devastating impacts of climate change.