In addition to Ananta Jalil, the film “Operation Jackpot” also features Ilias Kanchan, Kazi Hayat, Nipun, Rebeka, Misha Sawdagor, Amit Hasan, Roshan, Nirab, Aman Reza, Emon, Joy Chowdhury, Omar Sani, Shahidul Islam Sachchu, Don and Nader Chowdhury, among others.
In a significant cinematic endeavour under the guidance of Bangladesh's Ministry of Liberation War Affairs, "Operation Jackpot" is currently in production. This film features Omar Sani portraying the character of Major General Onkar Singh from the Indian Armed Forces. The commencement of shooting for "Operation Jackpot" began on December 29 at FDC.
Operation Jackpot stands as a significant chapter in the history of Bangladesh's Liberation War. The story of courage displayed in this guerrilla operation by the naval sector is on its way to being adapted for the silver screen. The cinematic depiction, titled “Operation Jackpot”, is set to be funded by the Ministry of Liberation War Affairs.
"In the past 16 years, I haven't seen the cinema business as robust as it is today," said Nipun.
In the middle of the ongoing enthusiasm around Shah Rukh Khan starrer "Jawan", filmmaker Delwar Jahan Jhantu declared an open war against the Hindi film by releasing his own film.
Earlier, when Shah Rukh Khan's film "Pathaan" saw release in Bangladesh in May, a group of directors had vehemently opposed its screening, citing concerns about the potential detriment to the local film industry.
Veteran filmmaker Delwar Jahan Jhantu has strongly opposed the release of Hindi films in Bangladesh since the start. He was also present at the press conference.
Originally, ‘Operation Jackpot’ was an initiative run by the Bengali naval commandos during the Liberation War of 1971. Noted filmmaker Gias Uddin Selim, was initially responsible for making a film on the history of ‘Operation Jackpot’. However, somewhat controversially, the film’s tender was handed over to Kibria Films, without much explanation, who decided to take Delwar Jahan Jhantu as the director.
On Saturday, noted actress Moushumi was appointed as the General Secretary of Bangladesh Cine Star Forum. The handover ceremony took place at a meeting, arranged on the occasion of the organisation's fifth founding anniversary, which took place at Zahir Raihan Hall of Bangladesh Film Development Corporation (BFDC).
In addition to Ananta Jalil, the film “Operation Jackpot” also features Ilias Kanchan, Kazi Hayat, Nipun, Rebeka, Misha Sawdagor, Amit Hasan, Roshan, Nirab, Aman Reza, Emon, Joy Chowdhury, Omar Sani, Shahidul Islam Sachchu, Don and Nader Chowdhury, among others.
In a significant cinematic endeavour under the guidance of Bangladesh's Ministry of Liberation War Affairs, "Operation Jackpot" is currently in production. This film features Omar Sani portraying the character of Major General Onkar Singh from the Indian Armed Forces. The commencement of shooting for "Operation Jackpot" began on December 29 at FDC.
Operation Jackpot stands as a significant chapter in the history of Bangladesh's Liberation War. The story of courage displayed in this guerrilla operation by the naval sector is on its way to being adapted for the silver screen. The cinematic depiction, titled “Operation Jackpot”, is set to be funded by the Ministry of Liberation War Affairs.
"In the past 16 years, I haven't seen the cinema business as robust as it is today," said Nipun.
In the middle of the ongoing enthusiasm around Shah Rukh Khan starrer "Jawan", filmmaker Delwar Jahan Jhantu declared an open war against the Hindi film by releasing his own film.
Earlier, when Shah Rukh Khan's film "Pathaan" saw release in Bangladesh in May, a group of directors had vehemently opposed its screening, citing concerns about the potential detriment to the local film industry.
Veteran filmmaker Delwar Jahan Jhantu has strongly opposed the release of Hindi films in Bangladesh since the start. He was also present at the press conference.
Originally, ‘Operation Jackpot’ was an initiative run by the Bengali naval commandos during the Liberation War of 1971. Noted filmmaker Gias Uddin Selim, was initially responsible for making a film on the history of ‘Operation Jackpot’. However, somewhat controversially, the film’s tender was handed over to Kibria Films, without much explanation, who decided to take Delwar Jahan Jhantu as the director.
On Saturday, noted actress Moushumi was appointed as the General Secretary of Bangladesh Cine Star Forum. The handover ceremony took place at a meeting, arranged on the occasion of the organisation's fifth founding anniversary, which took place at Zahir Raihan Hall of Bangladesh Film Development Corporation (BFDC).