The film “Devi” (2018) is an adaptation of a novel by celebrated author Humayun Ahmed. Helmed by director Anam Biswas, the movie featured Jaya Ahsan in a central role, while Chanchal Chowdhury portrays the character of Misir Ali. Additionally, the film showcased a noteworthy performance from television actress Sabnam Faria, who took on a key role in the film.
The festivities are a perfect time to binge-watch movies to get in the spirit of the season. Here is a selection of films that successfully captured the essence of Durga Puja.
Ray's portrayal of women in his films was not limited to his female characters' on-screen presence. He also worked closely with women behind the scenes, such as his wife, Bijoya Ray, who was his constant collaborator and partner.
The film “Devi” (2018) is an adaptation of a novel by celebrated author Humayun Ahmed. Helmed by director Anam Biswas, the movie featured Jaya Ahsan in a central role, while Chanchal Chowdhury portrays the character of Misir Ali. Additionally, the film showcased a noteworthy performance from television actress Sabnam Faria, who took on a key role in the film.
The festivities are a perfect time to binge-watch movies to get in the spirit of the season. Here is a selection of films that successfully captured the essence of Durga Puja.
Ray's portrayal of women in his films was not limited to his female characters' on-screen presence. He also worked closely with women behind the scenes, such as his wife, Bijoya Ray, who was his constant collaborator and partner.