Dhaka city parks

Where are our public spaces?

A lack of safe public spaces in Dhaka has aggravated a lot of issues, especially among the youth.

Editorial / Save our parks

A report published by this newspaper yesterday reveals an alarming fact about Dhaka's parks. The capital city, ranked one of the worst liveable in the world, has only 54 parks when, ideally, it should have 92.

June 16, 2022
June 16, 2022

Where are our public spaces?

A lack of safe public spaces in Dhaka has aggravated a lot of issues, especially among the youth.

April 29, 2015
April 29, 2015

Save our parks

A report published by this newspaper yesterday reveals an alarming fact about Dhaka's parks. The capital city, ranked one of the worst liveable in the world, has only 54 parks when, ideally, it should have 92.