Dhaleshwari river

WB to steer Dhaka rivers back to life

The World Bank has agreed to take lead in a landmark project to breathe life back into the five rivers surrounding Dhaka city involving about $20 billion.

Air pollution: Tanneries burning leather wastes at Dhaleshwari

For last two years the authorities of Tannery Industrial Estate are polluting the Dhaleshwari river dumping liquid waste as their effluent treatment plant is not ready yet, now they are also polluting air by burning leather wastes in the bank of the Dhaleshwari.

November 15, 2022
November 15, 2022

WB to steer Dhaka rivers back to life

The World Bank has agreed to take lead in a landmark project to breathe life back into the five rivers surrounding Dhaka city involving about $20 billion.

December 21, 2019
December 21, 2019

Air pollution: Tanneries burning leather wastes at Dhaleshwari

For last two years the authorities of Tannery Industrial Estate are polluting the Dhaleshwari river dumping liquid waste as their effluent treatment plant is not ready yet, now they are also polluting air by burning leather wastes in the bank of the Dhaleshwari.