Did you know

Did You Know? - August

On this month's 'Did you Know', we explain what interim governments are.

How did Chawk Bazar's iftar market become so famous?

This hints towards a monopoly Chawk Bazar enjoyed in the olden times. 

Did You Know? - November

On this issue's 'Did You Know?'

The Wonder of Saat Gombuj Masjid

If you went to the Mohammadpur area, you would come across a splendid Mughal-era mosque: Saat Gombuj Masjid, or Seven-domed Mosque.

August 22, 2024
August 22, 2024

Did You Know? - August

On this month's 'Did you Know', we explain what interim governments are.

March 21, 2024
March 21, 2024

How did Chawk Bazar's iftar market become so famous?

This hints towards a monopoly Chawk Bazar enjoyed in the olden times. 

November 30, 2023
November 30, 2023

Did You Know? - November

On this issue's 'Did You Know?'

November 23, 2023
November 23, 2023

The Wonder of Saat Gombuj Masjid

If you went to the Mohammadpur area, you would come across a splendid Mughal-era mosque: Saat Gombuj Masjid, or Seven-domed Mosque.

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