
Will corporations finally be held accountable?

EU’s new law on corporate responsibility a step in the right direction

Integrating our conservation and adaptation approaches

Over the last five years, one approach took shape quite strongly in relation to climate change and biodiversity conservation, and that is Nature-based Solutions.

Creating a community for conservation

While our country does have long co-management experience regarding land and inland waters, it doesn't have it for the sea.

World Soil Day / Dying soil in need of care and justice

The relationship between soil and water plays a significant role in achieving sustainable and resilient agrifood systems.

Who will save the planet? Certainly not its killers.

Issues centring ecological protection are inherently political, but in this dying earth, these are repeatedly depoliticised.

More trees fall victim to development

Jahangirnagar University must protect its green campus

Closing the sustainable energy gaps in Asia and the Pacific

To bridge the energy gap and promote climate-friendly sustainable development, increasing renewable energy and energy efficiency are imperative.

Our rivers are being robbed

Why is the law to stop illegal sand extraction not enforced?

Rich countries can gain a lot by helping Bangladesh

Climate change is worsening the situation and the financial and humanitarian costs brought by this calamity are racking up.

August 20, 2023
August 20, 2023

We should ratify the high seas treaty

Situated in a region with extensive maritime boundaries and diverse marine ecosystems, Bangladesh stands to gain immense benefits from this agreement. By becoming a party to the treaty, the country can play a pivotal role in global efforts to address critical challenges such as overfishing, marine biodiversity loss, and habitat degradation in areas beyond national jurisdictions.

July 13, 2023
July 13, 2023

Exploring alternative energy sources: The future of renewable power

El Nino, La Nina, wildfire, floods, heatwaves – all these terms have been plastered on every news source, both digital and print for the past few years. It seems that the detrimental effects of global climate change have dawned upon us, it is not a phenomenon that “may happen” in the distant future.

June 14, 2023
June 14, 2023

Understanding climate change: Causes, effects, and solutions

Climate change is a phenomenon that impacts everyone on earth. Although some might think of climate change as something that will affect us in the future, it is an ongoing process and we are already seeing its effects. Ecosystems and people across the globe are being heavily impacted by it. Ever wondered why the weather has been going haywire recently? Or why more and more of the arctic region is melting away?

June 13, 2023
June 13, 2023

What are atmospheric rivers?

If you think that rivers only exist on land, think again. Holding an entire river of water in the form of moisture, they also exist in the atmosphere and are known as Atmospheric Rivers (AR).

June 5, 2023
June 5, 2023

Turning plastic perils into a prize

The country has been seeing a worsening plastic waste problem over the last decade and a half, and recently, a small step has been taken towards possible mitigation.

June 5, 2023
June 5, 2023

These 10 startups are leading the good fight against plastic pollution

Here are some of the top startups dedicated to cutting down plastic waste that are worth watching out for if you share a passion for recycling and environmental preservation.

May 26, 2023
May 26, 2023

Heatwaves, global warming, and the ethics of our cities

We must rethink how cities are planned, designed, and administered to combat the adverse effects of both the heat island problem and climate change.

May 5, 2023
May 5, 2023

Combatting the Rohingya refugee crisis with nature-based solutions

Environment and ecosystem rehabilitation has always been a cross-cutting issue in the JRPs. It is indeed exciting for environmentalists to see NbS finding its place in the world's largest refugee camp sheltering about a million of Myanmar’s Muslim minority.

March 17, 2023
March 17, 2023

Island of corals turned into a cash cow

Campaign to rid St Martin’s of illegal establishments must be seen through

March 2, 2023
March 2, 2023

World Wildlife Day: Conversations with conservationists

Bangladesh supports nearly 1.7 percent of the world's wildlife. How is that wildlife doing? Why does the chirping of birds no longer wake us? When was the last time a frog just showed up in our bathrooms?

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