
To reform Bangladesh's environment sector, focus on biodiversity conservation

Environment is one of three pillars of sustainable development, while society and economy are the other two.

Preserving our future by saving our forests

Most of the forest and relevant laws in practice are from the British regime, and devoid of any consideration of the people.

Data centres to cause 2.5 bln tons of emissions by 2030: research

The rapid expansion of data centres worldwide is projected to generate approximately 2.5 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide-equivalent emissions by 2030, according to research by the multinational investment bank Morgan Stanley.

Debunking tales of the Russell’s viper

Amid this mass panic, many “facts” being circulated about the snake fall in the realm of misinformation. 

JU lost 40pc waterbodies in 35 years

Jahangirnagar University campus, known for its verdant fields, woods, and waterbodies, has lost nearly 40 percent of its waterbodies over the last three and a half decades.

World Ocean Day: How MSP can help us navigate the blue frontier

Cradled by the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh boasts a maritime area almost as vast as its terrestrial territory.

Will corporations finally be held accountable?

EU’s new law on corporate responsibility a step in the right direction

Integrating our conservation and adaptation approaches

Over the last five years, one approach took shape quite strongly in relation to climate change and biodiversity conservation, and that is Nature-based Solutions.

Creating a community for conservation

While our country does have long co-management experience regarding land and inland waters, it doesn't have it for the sea.

March 25, 2015
March 25, 2015

Hopes grow for climate-proof beans

A breakthrough in the development of temperature- resilient beans could help sustain a vital source of protein for millions of people around the globe

March 23, 2015
March 23, 2015

Pollutants created by climate change make allergens more potent

Researchers believe pollutants created by climate change are making airborne allergens more potent

March 23, 2015
March 23, 2015

Climate change 'big threat to China'

Climate change may have "huge impact" on China, reducing crop yields, harming the environment, warns country's top weather scientist

March 22, 2015
March 22, 2015

Climate change: China official warns of 'huge impact'

Climate top weather scientist have warned that change could have a "huge impact" on China, reducing crop yields and harming the environment

March 20, 2015
March 20, 2015

Arctic sea ice extent hits record low for winter

Sea ice in the Arctic Ocean falls to the lowest recorded level for the winter season, according to US scientists

March 19, 2015
March 19, 2015

Solar aeroplane heads to Myanmar

Solar Impulse is on its way from Varanasi in India to Mandalay in Myanmar (Burma) and it will fly over Bangladesh this evening on way to Myanmar

March 16, 2015
March 16, 2015

Australia to ban dumping dredge spoil on Great Barrier Reef

The Australian government is to legislate permanent ban on the dumping of capital dredge spoil on the Great Barrier Reef

March 13, 2015
March 13, 2015

Hubble finds 'best evidence' for Ganymede subsurface ocean

There is further, compelling evidence that Ganymede - the largest moon in the Solar System - has an ocean of water beneath its icy crust.

March 7, 2015
March 7, 2015

Sixty seven percent brick kilns illegal

AT least 67 percent of the country's 8,500 brick kilns are running without the permission of the Department of Environment, according to the environment group, Poribesh Bachao Andolon (Poba). Of these, more than 1,900 kilns use wood to burn bricks, a practice which is a punishable offence as per our environmental laws. These statistics are highly alarming, given that unauthorised brick kilns are responsible for causing irreversible damage to the environment and posing serious health hazards to people working and living in nearby areas.

February 18, 2015
February 18, 2015

Millions at risk from rapid sea rise in swampy Sundarbans

The tiny hut at the edge of the sea is barely large enough for Bokul Mondol and his family. The water took everything else from them, and one day it may take this, too.