federal judge

'Happy Birthday' ruled out of copyright

The company collecting royalties to "Happy Birthday To You" does not hold a valid copyright to the song, a US federal judge has ruled.

A fair hearing for sovereign debt

LAST July, when United States federal judge Thomas Griesa ruled that Argentina had to repay in full the so-called vulture funds that had bought its sovereign debt at rock-bottom prices, the country was forced into default, or “Griesafault.”

September 23, 2015
September 23, 2015

'Happy Birthday' ruled out of copyright

The company collecting royalties to "Happy Birthday To You" does not hold a valid copyright to the song, a US federal judge has ruled.

March 14, 2015
March 14, 2015

A fair hearing for sovereign debt

LAST July, when United States federal judge Thomas Griesa ruled that Argentina had to repay in full the so-called vulture funds that had bought its sovereign debt at rock-bottom prices, the country was forced into default, or “Griesafault.”