The night after the story got published, Jamal stormed to my home at around 11 PM, drenched in the rain. That was the first and only time Jamal raised his voice against me
"That’s why I have jars of jealousy, anger, sadness, monotony, but this – it’s important."
I will not even begin with the skies
One sits silently. Her eyes blink sometimes. Sometimes her lips tremble a little, or they don’t tremble at all.
Behind the bangles that jingle ominously in the dark, there is a voice—a voice that has long been silenced
“Residents usually get 30 days of observation period,” said the man at the reception, “but since it’s a leap year, you get an extra day.
Bolstered, the six little mice lead their army up–up–up the trunk of the poor, ravaged oak they were so desperate to save.
After many years, Ira has returned to my town. She hops four towns to get here. We are supposed to meet today. I’ve been ready since morning. We will meet by the lakeside.
She frantically whisper-screamed at him, “Stop yelling! And this is serious Fayaz, we need to find that box.
The monsoons have passed. Moti has grown so healthy, so strong and so big that no other cocks even dare to be near him.
“It’s a type of Brazilian music, this elevator is playing The Girl From Ipanema.”
More than anything, Suzuki shows that the key to being an alien is not to be outlandish but to be sickeningly more human.
She walked, entranced, into the water until it reached her chin, the wing of her little pink butterfly stuck out like a shark fin.
As a juvenile bibliophile, I used to see the copies as a delicate object greeting with utter care and affection.
Overnight, the saffron summer afternoons and evenings of dreamy stargazing tumble into a tale of grief, guilt, and pain.
Talespeople presents The Screaming Shorts, partnered with Daily Star Books and Star Literature.
Talespeople presents The Screaming Shorts, partnered with Daily Star Books and Star Literature
The two friends grew up together playing cricket in the garage, watching Pokémon routinely at 6 PM on Cartoon Network at Zuhayer's flat, and chasing stringless kites.
Ratan Da walked away, waddling the way he came from, whispering, “Don’t let it go to waste, don’t let it go to waste.”